
Personalizing Your Scent: How to Create Custom Oil Perfume Blends

Have you ever dreamed of having a perfume that’s uniquely yours? You can make that dream a reality with custom oil perfume blends – or find ready-to-wear oil perfumes from companies like Eternal Perfume Oils! Creating your signature scent is a fun and creative process. There is a score of fragrances out there in the market today. However, nowadays it has become a trend to blend some fragrances and make a perfume that is unique and personalized. This desire for a signature scent ties into a larger conversation about grooming and enhancing your attractiveness. If you’re interested in exploring this further, I’ve put together a guide on Grooming Essentials to Boost Your Attractiveness.

Creating your signature scent is a fun and creative process that allows you to express your personality and individuality through fragrance. Many resources are available to help you along this journey, including the detailed guide on making natural perfumes featured on [1].

That being said, it should be kept in mind that blending fragrances to make something unique out of them is no easy task. It could lead to something that is highly unlikable, not to mention the wastage of oils. So, let Eternalperfumeoils guide you through every step of the way as to how you can make a blend of oils that your nose will love.

So, let Eternalperfumeoils guide you through every step of the way as to how you can make a blend of oils that your nose will love.

Why blend fragrances?

A question pops up in one’s mind, “why blend fragrances?” A lot of people really just like to make unique fragrances – something that is different and doesn’t exist. Also, many people may not like a particular fragrance, but when it is blended with another scent or note it becomes a much more favorable scent for them or their customers. So Eternalperfumeoils has come up with unique and significant methods to make a perfume oil of your choice.

What are the two methods?

Two major methods

Method one: Straightforward approach

First and foremost the most straightforward way to make a custom blend is to take an empty container or a small mixing beaker, measure out two or three oils, and mix in the container. Let the mixture settle down. You must take note of what amount you added to each fragrance so that you can scale it for larger batches.

This method can be fun and great if you know that you want to mix the two fragrances and you are pretty confident that you will like the way the final product smells.

How is it done?

This method is simply done by taking some ounces of the oils you want to mix in an empty container. After that, give it a good shake and let it settle down for some time. Then twist the jar open and smell it.

Although it looks easy this method has a drawback of wasting oils. For instance, if you pour the oils into a beaker, mix it, and then you find that you don’t like the fragrance, you probably dump it out which means you just wasted oils.

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Method two: Use of Strips

A second method you can use is by using the fragrance strips or Q-tips. This method can be good because you don’t have to worry about the amount of oil samples you take. This method is good if you are not sure if you are going to like the final blend or not. And this way you don’t waste any oils at all.

How is it done?

The second method is that you take strips and Q-tips and dip each one into each fragrance oil you are thinking of blending. Then close them off in a container tightly and let them sit for a little while. Now open the container, take a whiff, and see if you like the smell of it. Additionally, if you want a certain note to be stronger, you can use an additional strip of that fragrance.

This method will help you determine what fragrances smell good blended but still have to figure out the actual proportion you will need to make the scent of your choice. For example, if you are to use three Vanilla and two Kentucky bourbon, It means there are five elements. 60% Vanilla and 40% Bourbon.

It is significant and recommended for either of the methods to take notes of the process every step of the way. It will help you with experimenting with making the least mistakes.

Which method is more appropriate?

It is your personal choice whether you want to go for the first method or the second. However, we recommend the second method because it is more convenient and easy to carry out. Rendering this method, you don’t need to worry about measuring the different oils. Above all, it will save you the oils you were to use for the experimentations.

Looking for inspiration? Try some of our favorite successful blends like Cozy Cashmere (a comforting blend of warm vanilla, creamy sandalwood, and a hint of velvety musk) or Citrus Splash (an invigorating mix of zesty grapefruit, bergamot, with a subtle touch of sweet orange).


Creating your own custom oil perfume blends is a delightful journey into the world of fragrance, offering endless opportunities for creativity and self-expression. While blending fragrances may seem daunting at first, it’s a rewarding process that allows you to craft a scent that is uniquely yours. Whether you prefer the straightforward approach of mixing oils in a container or the precision of testing combinations with fragrance strips, there’s a method that suits your preferences and style.

Remember to take notes along the way and trust your instincts as you explore the art of scent blending. With a little experimentation and patience, you’ll soon discover the perfect blend that captures your essence and leaves a lasting impression.

Serena Mitchell

I'm a fashion-obsessed gal with a passion for sharing affordable finds, styling tips, and body-positive fashion inspiration. I believe great style is about feeling confident and expressing your unique personality – not about breaking the bank. When I'm not hunting down the perfect pair of jeans, you'll find me sipping coffee at my favorite local café or exploring new hiking trails with my pup.

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