Fashion Shoes

Decoding the Shoe Trends: What’s Hot (and What’s Not) This Season

Shoes can make or break an outfit, acting as the exclamation point that completes your look. As Leandra Medine Cohen, founder of Man Repeller, aptly puts it, “Shoes are the period at the end of the sentence. They complete the look.” (Source: Man Repeller). This season’s shoe trends offer a mix of daring styles, timeless classics, and practical options that cater to every fashion lover’s needs. Let’s decode what’s hot and what’s not in the shoe world right now.

What’s Hot

1. Chunky Soles

Chunky soles are back and bigger than ever. This trend combines comfort with a bold statement, making it perfect for those who want to stand out.

I remember slipping into a pair of chunky-soled boots during a weekend getaway. Not only did they add a few extra inches to my height, but they also provided incredible comfort for long walks around the city.

“Shoes are a way to express yourself. They can be bold and daring, or classic and timeless.” – Eva Chen, Head of Fashion Partnerships at Instagram (Source: Eva Chen’s Instagram)

2. Square Toes

Square-toed shoes are making a comeback from the ’90s. This style adds a contemporary twist to any outfit, whether it’s casual or formal.

I was skeptical about square-toed shoes at first, but after trying on a pair of square-toed heels, I was sold. They gave my outfit a modern edge and were surprisingly comfortable.

“Comfort is key, but it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style. There are plenty of chic shoes that are also comfortable.” – Elizabeth von der Goltz, Global Buying Director at NET-A-PORTER (Source: NET-A-PORTER)

3. Loafers

Loafers are no longer just for the office. With a variety of styles, from classic penny loafers to modern platform versions, they are a versatile addition to any wardrobe.

My first pair of loafers were a game-changer. I wore them to work, on weekends, and even for a casual dinner out. They instantly made me look polished and put-together.

“A good pair of shoes can elevate any outfit. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and colors.” – Nick Wooster, Men’s Fashion Director (Source: Nick Wooster’s Instagram)

4. Combat Boots

Combat boots have transcended their utilitarian roots to become a fashion staple. They add a tough edge to feminine dresses and are practical for everyday wear.

I wore combat boots to a concert recently, and they were perfect for the occasion. They were stylish, comfortable, and gave my outfit a cool, edgy vibe.

“Streetwear is the new luxury. It’s about mixing high and low, and expressing your individuality.” – Virgil Abloh, Fashion Designer (Source: The Business of Fashion)

5. Bright Colors

Brightly colored shoes are a fun way to add a pop of color to any outfit. From neon sneakers to vibrant heels, this trend is all about making a statement.

I bought a pair of bright yellow sneakers on a whim, and they have become my go-to for brightening up a monochrome outfit. They never fail to attract compliments.

“Shoes are the exclamation point to an outfit. Take care of them and they’ll take care of you.” – Tim Gunn, Fashion Consultant (Source: Tim Gunn’s Fashion Bible)

6. Eco-Friendly Shoes

Sustainability is more than just a buzzword; it’s a lifestyle choice. Eco-friendly shoes made from recycled materials or sustainable sources are gaining popularity.

Investing in a pair of eco-friendly sneakers made me feel good about my fashion choices. They are stylish, comfortable, and contribute to a better environment.

“Choosing high-quality shoes made from durable materials is a key step in reducing waste and promoting sustainable fashion.” – Melody Lee, Sustainable Fashion Advocate (Source: The Sustainable Fashion Forum)

What’s Not

1. Sky-High Stilettos

While stilettos will always have their place in fashion, the trend is shifting towards more practical and comfortable options. Sky-high heels are being replaced by block heels and platforms.

The Psychology of Fashion study highlights how fashion choices reflect our need for comfort and functionality. (Source: Journal of Consumer Psychology)

2. Overly Embellished Shoes

Less is more this season. Overly embellished shoes with excessive glitter, studs, or sequins are taking a backseat to more minimalist and sleek designs.

The Impact of Social Media on Fashion Trends study notes that consumers are leaning towards cleaner and more versatile designs that can be worn for various occasions. (Source: Computers in Human Behavior)

3. Wedge Sneakers

Wedge sneakers had their moment, but the trend is fading. Traditional sneakers and chunky soles are taking over as the preferred casual footwear.

Consumer behavior trends show a preference for classic and enduring styles over fleeting fashion fads. (Source: Statista)

4. Pointed-Toe Flats

Pointed-toe flats, while still stylish, are being overshadowed by more comfortable options like loafers and square-toed flats. The focus is on comfort without compromising style.

The Effect of Footwear on Foot Comfort and Fatigue During Walking study emphasizes the importance of comfort in footwear choices. (Source: Journal of Foot and Ankle Research)

How to Incorporate the Trends

1. Start with Staples

Begin by incorporating one or two trendy pieces into your wardrobe. A pair of chunky sneakers or square-toed heels can update your look without overwhelming it.

2. Balance Bold with Basic

Pair bold shoe choices with basic outfits to let the shoes be the statement piece. For example, wear bright-colored sneakers with a neutral outfit.

3. Prioritize Comfort

No matter how trendy a shoe is, if it’s not comfortable, it’s not worth it. Ensure that your shoes provide the necessary support and comfort for your daily activities.

4. Mix and Match

Don’t be afraid to mix different trends. Pair combat boots with a floral dress or loafers with cropped jeans. Mixing styles can create a unique and personalized look.

5. Invest in Quality

Quality over quantity is key. Invest in well-made shoes that will last longer and provide better support for your feet.

Personal Journey with Shoe Trends

As someone who loves fashion but also values comfort, navigating shoe trends has been an exciting journey. I used to shy away from bold styles, fearing they wouldn’t fit into my wardrobe. However, experimenting with different trends has allowed me to express my personality and enhance my outfits.

One of my favorite purchases was a pair of neon green sneakers. Initially, I was hesitant, thinking they were too bold. But every time I wore them, they not only garnered compliments but also boosted my confidence. Similarly, switching to loafers for work was a game-changer. They offered the perfect blend of style and comfort, making long workdays much more bearable.


Staying updated with shoe trends doesn’t mean you have to overhaul your entire wardrobe. By selectively incorporating new styles and prioritizing comfort, you can keep your shoe game strong and stylish. As Anna Wintour says, “I always say that shoes are the most important part of an outfit.” (Source: The New York Times). So, step out with confidence and let your shoes do the talking.

This season, embrace the trends that resonate with your style and needs. Whether it’s chunky soles, square toes, or eco-friendly options, there’s something for everyone. Happy shoe shopping!

Serena Mitchell

I'm a fashion-obsessed gal with a passion for sharing affordable finds, styling tips, and body-positive fashion inspiration. I believe great style is about feeling confident and expressing your unique personality – not about breaking the bank. When I'm not hunting down the perfect pair of jeans, you'll find me sipping coffee at my favorite local café or exploring new hiking trails with my pup.

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