This confuses folks when they see small red pimples on their skin. If you are one of them, do not worry! I will bring you out of those people and inform you about what exactly fungal acne is and how to prevent it.
It is often mistaken for regular acne. However, both conditions are distinct, with different causes and symptoms. Fungal acne requires a different approach for prevention and treatment.
Here, you will find necessary information about its triggers and control of symptoms.
What exactly is fungal acne?
It is a fungus-caused infection of hair follicles that results in the formation of small pimples with whiteheads that itch a lot. The symptoms do not feel painful, but the skin with clusters of pimples may feel burning.
Anyone can get affected by fungal acne, but young males are more prone to it. It mostly shows symptoms in the arms, legs, neck, back, chest, forehead, and cheeks. It is easy to diagnose.
The symptoms include:
- Red bumps
- Itching
- Bumps in clusters
- Pus
It is often mistaken for regular acne because both look similar at first glance. If you are unable to identify your condition, seek professional help for proper diagnosis.
It is caused by the overgrowth of yeast called “Malassezia.” Overgrowth traps yeast in hair follicles and results in blockage and small pimples. It is not painful but is itchy.
Is it contagious?
Fungal acne is contagious but not as much as other diseases. Its fungus can spread and thrive on another person in a close environment for a short time.
The fungus needs a suitable environment in which to live. In hot and oily climates, it can live longer and increase the risk of spread.
The best way to avoid its spread is to keep your items clean and temporarily separate them from others.
Common Triggers of fungal acne
Certain things can exacerbate the symptoms of fungal acne. These include:
- Heat
- Sweat
- Scratching
- Long showers
- Pollution
- Harsh climate
- Tight and rough clothing
- Weak immune system
- Medication
- Harsh skin products
If you are dealing with an underlying condition, some medications can cause or worsen fungal acne symptoms.
Always consult a professional when taking certain medications to avoid side effects.
Living in a hot climate and wearing tight clothing can trap moisture, resulting in hair follicle blockage.
Wearing sweaty clothes for a long time and not changing them after sweating can cause fungal acne and other complications.
If this is your issue, you must avoid these factors and follow preventive measures to reduce the chance of flare-ups.
Preventions to avoid complications
I recommend avoiding beauty products and normal skincare items during fungal acne prevention. The best way is to consult a doctor for proper fungal acne treatment.
However, the following prevention is a must. Here, I have mentioned some tips you must follow to avoid flare-ups.
Avoid Allergens
The first and most important part is to avoid allergens. Stop using those products that contain chemicals. I recommend temporarily pausing the use of skin care products as they may trigger allergic reactions in your body.
Also, the dust particles in the air can trigger allergic reactions in your body. This can worsen the conditions. You must live in a healthy environment and keep your surroundings clean from dust particles and fungal acne triggers.
Keep the skin clean
Sweaty and dirty skin can attract various skin diseases, including fungal acne. Keep your body clean to avoid such complications.
Taking enough baths is the best way to keep the whole body clean. However, you should follow some instructions like:
- Do not take long showers.
- Use normal or tepid water.
- Do not scratch the affected area roughly.
- Do not apply regular shampoo or soap on pimples.
If you sweat a lot, clean your skin regularly with a cloth. Change the clothing after taking a bath.
Get an antifungal treatment
The best way to avoid spreading its symptoms is to use a medicated shampoo. It works both as a prevention and fungal acne treatment.
Your skin is very itchy, and your sleep is ruined. In this condition, I recommend taking a bath to clean your body and using this shampoo to treat its symptoms.
Then, go to sleep, and you will see significant improvements. You can also massage the affected area with a good oil-free itch-relieving moisturizer.
Continue the use of shampoo for a few days for better results.
Choose the right type of clothing
Clothing matters a lot because it can worsen or reduce fungal acne symptoms. Tight clothing is proven to cause flare-ups. The trapped moisture in clothing can also cause bacterial infection.
The best way to prevent this is to wear breathable clothing. Choose cotton, as it is the best option for skin conditions. This will prevent overheating and excessive sweating. Excessive rubbing can damage pimples, so you must wear light and loose clothes.
Stop eating certain foods
Some evidence suggests that particular foods can affect fungal acne symptoms. Still, it is better to follow experts’ recommendations and temporarily update your diet.
Foods containing high sugar and refined carbohydrates are likely to increase yeast growth. Oily products and foods high in fat can worsen acne.
Increase the number of fruits, vegetables, protein, starch, and fiber in your diet, as they might help reduce acne symptoms.
Wrapping up
If you know how to handle fungal acne symptoms, you should not fear their severity. It is not the same as fungal acne, and the issue is not so severe. However, the itching can be very distressing and can ruin your sleep.
The best way is to use an antifungal shampoo to reduce itching and inflammation and keep the skin clean. These two steps will help you a lot.
If the issue persists, contact a medical professional for a proper diagnosis and help. You may be dealing with another skin condition or infection. I hope this information helped you a lot and you will follow the instructions mentioned here.