Being able to defy the laws of ageing is one that many people are trying to do actively. We see a lot of it as regular, ordinary people, being done by celebrities. Those with deep pockets and access to the best in the business when it comes to recapturing one’s youth.
While no one can turn back the hands of time, many have been able to make some effort to look younger, even if there are some telltale signs that would indicate otherwise.
If you’re looking to make a few changes to your appearance in order to look younger, here’s an ultimate guide to age-defying beauty and achieving that youthful glow.
Collagen supplements
Collagen supplements are definitely something you want to look at getting, particularly if you find that your skin has become less supple and plump. This is what happens as you get older, your skin loses that collagen that it naturally produces. As you get older, your collagen production becomes less and less, leading your skin to hang off your body.
You may already notice some wrinkles and fine lines forming, which is when you want to try and take action to reduce that appearance of ageing. Collagen supplements like Kollo are great for taking daily if you need something that isn’t invasive, and you can easily supplement it into your everyday routine.
Collagen supplements are affordable and can be taken every day along with any vitamins and supplements you might also be taking to stay young and healthy.
A healthy diet
A healthier diet is something that can make a big difference to your appearance, especially if you’re incorporating healthy foods like vegetables, fruit and nuts. You may already be doing this to an extent but the more you add to your diet, the better you will look.
Fast food or foods that are highly processed or contain a lot of unhealthy fats, will give your skin a duller appearance.
Ultimately, you want to be able to enjoy the food you’re eating, so that doesn’t mean you need to cut out all your indulgences completely. Moderation is the name of the game when it comes to healthy eating and a few changes here and there can make a difference to how you look.
Skincare routine
If you’ve taken any interest in your skin within the past few years or more, then you might likely have a skincare routine already in place.
A skincare routine is often made up of several steps although some will choose to do more, others less depending on how much time they have to spare. While we all have the same amount of hours in the day as everyone else, trying to fit in things that haven’t become a habit yet, can prove difficult.
With that being said, think about what sort of skincare you could feasibly do. You may find that you can only do a day cream and night cream combination. If you have more time, you could add serums and other skincare options into the mix.
Exfoliation is also important to help remove the dead skin that clings to the surface. This should be done every week or so.
Use SPF every day
An SPF is important because you need to be able to protect your skin from the sun. UV rays can cause considerable damage to your skin if you’re not careful, so you should be applying an SPF every day, even if the sun isn’t out.
With an SPF, you provide your skin with a protective barrier and that reduces the risk of you developing any sort of skin damage or cancer if really unlucky.
Make sure to carry around an SPF every day so that you’re providing your skin with the protection it needs to stay youthful. Otherwise, the skin can age your skin quite rapidly.
Get your beauty sleep
Beauty sleep is an important part of keeping your youth and making sure your body gets the rest it needs to recover. Just like other parts of your body, your skin relies on quality sleep so that you can wake up feeling refreshed and looking refreshed too.
If you’re not getting enough sleep, then your skin can end up looking gaunt. Not only that but your skin will look as tired as you feel.
On average, you should be getting around seven to nine hours of sleep per night. If you’re not getting that, time to change it!
Stay hydrated
Keeping hydrated is important for your body. Having a good amount of water every day will help to keep your skin hydrated and ultimately nice and plump.
Everyone should be consuming around a litre to a litre and a half of water a day. If not, then they’re going to see a dull appearance to their skin as a result. Try to drink this amount every day if you can, or as close to it as possible.
If you don’t carry around a bottle of water with you every day, make sure you’re doing so from now on. You should also flavour your water if you don’t like drinking water. That way, you can enjoy a tastier drink, rather than forcing it down.
Manage your stress levels
It’s important that you’re doing what you can to manage your stress levels. Stress can be a damaging emotion for your health in more ways than one. Not only does it damage your mental well-being, but it can impact your quality of sleep, and your food consumption, all of which impacts your stress levels.
Managing your stress levels is an important part of keeping yourself youthful and carefree. While we can’t always get rid of all of our stress in life, we can do well to actively remove it where needed.
Defying your age is possible in some ways, with the right tips and tricks. Hopefully, these tips help you rewind the hands of time or at least help you to feel more youthful in yourself this year.